Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Obama: "A new beginning for US and Cuba" and Sen. Marco's run for the highest office

PBO is not finished, no lame duck president here, he is still adding to his ever impressive and growing resume:
  • Economy  humming along and adding 200,000 plus new jobs for several months
  • Unemployment cut to 5.8%
  • Cheap gas -- always a holiday season plus
  • Dow Jones at all time highs
  • Historic climate treaty with China
  • Economic sanctions hitting Russian President Putin where it hurts the most -- the wallet
  • Forbes Magazine naming him the best modern era economic president -- sorry Ronnie, the Forbes index has Obama surpassing you with ease.
And now President Obama has historically normalized international relations with Cuba. For the first time in over 54 years, Cuba and USA will have diplomatic ties to each other -- effectively ending the Cold War between the two nations.

The NY Times writes:

The administration’s decision to restore full diplomatic relations, take steps to remove Cuba from the State Department list of countries that sponsor terrorism and roll back restrictions on travel and trade is a change in direction that has been strongly supported by this page. The White House is ushering in a transformational era for millions of Cubans who have suffered as a result of more than 50 years of hostility between the two nations.
Mr. Obama could have taken modest, gradual steps toward a thaw. Instead, he has courageously gone as far as he can, within the constraints of an outmoded 1996 law that imposes stiff sanctions on Cuba in the pursuit of regime change.
Just after a mid-term election Democratic shellacking, losing the Senate majority and losing more seats in the House, Obama continues to deftly prove his relevance and boldness on domestic and international issues.
And, of course,  the Right-Wing Boys Choir, right on note, continue to condemn Obama in unison with their songs of doom, gloom, fire and brimstone.
Cuban-American Senator Rubio, as lead singer, garbled out something remotely intelligible about Obama being the worst something or another in the history of mankind -- oh, he did this right after he lectured Pope Francis for being down with PBO's Cuba move.
Rubio, a potential presidential candidate in 2016, has been a longtime critic of the regime in Cuba and of Obama's foreign policy -- which he dubbed on Wednesday as "not just naive, but willfully ignorant of the way the world truly works."

"This president is the single worst negotiator we have had in the White House in my lifetime," Rubio said.
And on the Pope:
Sen. Marco Rubio, a Catholic, criticized Pope Francis on Wednesday after the pontiff played a key role in helping the United States and Cuba forge an agreement that resulted in the release of American Alan Gross from Cuba.

Rubio said he would “ask His Holiness to take up the cause of freedom and democracy.” Read more

Some political observers say Rubio is positioning himself to run for president in 2016, I say Rubio is aiming higher:

Marco Rubio for God 2016 and beyond - vote now!

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