Friday, April 15, 2011

Internet Racism (IR)

Is it me or is IR exponentially growing? Whenever I read a story that involves people of color - black, brown, yellow - or a person of Islamic faith, I see hundreds, if not thousands, of comments spewing the vilest form of anonymous racism.

Just read a story on Barry Bonds, Chris Brown, immigration, Mosques, President Obama, Tiger Woods, Mexico (or any Latin American country) and the faceless comments are stunningly ugly and hateful.

As a blogger, I read several blogs from an African American perspective daily; and it seems as if these racist go out their way to find these sites in order to rant and rave.

The majority of IR comes from xenophobic and frightened little people. The country and world is changing right before their eyes and it's not change they believe in.


* Urban Dictionary: Internet Racism

* Resist Racism

1 comment:

  1. Internet racism is a growing problem. The challenge probably has more to do with economics, education and the obesity epidemic than actual racism, although it manifests itself as racism. In America we have a growing number of white males whose economic, social and romantic prospects are diminishing. Boys are dropping out of school in greater number than girls. Many of them will never have the education and social skills to compete effectively in the job market. Add a layer of obesity onto a large segment of white males and, well, they are going nowhere fast. White males and black males are now competing for the economic crumbs, so it is no surprise that white males, who feel they should have more than at least the black males, are taking their anger out on black males. Factor in the anonymity of the Internet and the gloves come off.

    What is even more amazing is that the media isn't talking about this. The problem is going to get much worse if somebody doesn't recognize it.
