Friday, April 8, 2011

Race To Government Shutdown by Ben Harvey

Just as our economy seems to be slowly recovering from the deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression - sustained GDP growth, unemployment rate at the lowest in two years and consumer confidence edging higher - the Tea Party led GOP is threatening a government shutdown unless they get virtually all the spending cuts they want.

The Tea Party faction of the GOP seems to believe they have a election return 2010 mandate to demand just that. So, with self-righteous fervor they attack, early childhood education, PBS, Planned Parenthood, women's health, Medicaid, environment protection, public education, Amtrak, infrastructure spending; and, of course, they demand more tax cuts for the wealthy.

The master the Tea Party led GOP serves is obvious - the very, very wealthy. Additionally, Tea Party loyalist seem to conveniently overlook that our fiscal problems and government debt are because of economic policies they support.
Reaganomics and supply side spending over the last 30 years has diminished the middle-class, created obscene wealth for the top 1%, decreased government revenue and waged an all out class war against the poorest 33% of the country - in particular our urban poor.

If this is not a call to action for the upcoming 2012 elections, I honestly don't have a clue to what it takes to get folks to pay attention and take action.

1 comment:

  1. The Tea Party believes that the economy was created to serve the wealthy. That is so obvious. They want taxes cut, because taxes benefit the low and middle classes, The rich pay a lot of the taxes, and since a lot of taxes go to social programs, they want them cut out. These cretins don't believe in a government that is for the people, by the people and of the people. Or for liberty and justice for all. Its quite amazing that the people they are crapping on. Are the same ones who voted them into office. ..

    Comment by Ronald L. Salter on April 9, 2011 at 7:17am
