Friday, July 15, 2011

FOX News Responds: Stop Piling On

The phone hacking scandal surrounding News Corp is a huge, huge story—except to "Fox and Friends" co-host Steve Doocy.

Doocy and his guest, the colorfully-named Bob Dilenschneider dismissed the hubbub on Friday's show. Doocy said that the media was "piling on" and was ignoring more important issues.

"We've got some serious problems in this country ... and what do they do?" he said. "They talk about this."

Dilenschneider agreed, saying that there has been "too much" coverage of the scandal, and that people should "move on." Doocy said, "I think you're right."


These are the folks that gave wall to wall coverage of Casey Anthony's trial, Jesse Jackson's live mic insult of then candidate Barack Obama, ACORN investigation, the fake Black Panther rise, Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair, and Barack Obama's Reverend Wright connection.

And now the biggest journalism scandal (hacking phone messages, bribing cops and spying on the Royal Family, celebrities, politicians and crime victims) in generations and they say folks are piling on- are they kidding?

Rupert Murdoch's news empire was built on sensationalism, yellow journalism, hack reporting, tabloid gossip, pandering to the lowest common denominator and right wing propaganda.

Fox News is a toxic cancer. It has infected and spread an ugly news reporting style to cable TV. It has poisoned and irreparably damaged American politics - creating a bombastic, emotionally high charged, hostile and in-your-face confrontational environment that has paralyzed effective governing.

Now, these same folks want to cry Foul!

This is eons beyond the pot calling the kettle black. This is a career criminal getting caught in the act of breaking the law, and complaining about being single out.

I'm enjoying this one from the bleachers and hoping for Over-time. I call it poetic justice.

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