Tuesday, January 30, 2018

SOTU: Trump from Mount Olympus

My prediction for the State of the Union speech:

Tonight's SOTU address from DT will predictably be lowbrow theatre. 

His TelePrompter speech will be laden with self-congratulations; contrasted with insults and cheap digs at his adversaries (both real and imagined).

DT will carefully play a mythical character: 

A much maligned heroic figure -- Greek god Zeus status -- who is fighting for the average common American. A warrior engaged in a biblical war with the Charlatans that unfairly report fake news -- especially promoting the Russian witch-hunt.

He will tout his accomplishments and blame others for his numerous failures, embarrassments and shortcomings. He will continue to use WWE wrestling world hyperbolic boasts. Just remember Sean Spicer:

"This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in-person and around the globe."
Only difference: DT will probably boast this was the greatest one year of any American president in the history of the USA. And he may add: This may be the greatest year any leader had in the history of the world. 

He will continue to spout lies of inheriting a disastrous Obama economy -- even though the facts clearly state that the Obama economic guardianship saved us from the most severe economic crisis since The Great Depression. 

On the contrary, President Obama was the recipient of a disastrous economy. As Keith Boykins writes for CNN:

Despite Trump's claim in February that he inherited a "mess" from Obama, he actually inherited a stable economy in the midst of the longest streak in history of consecutive monthly job growth, according to MarketWatch.
 Obama, on the other hand, inherited a failing economy that was losing nearly 800,000 jobs a month after the nearly fatal financial collapse and Bush recession, according to the Labor Department.

No doubt DT will offer a fake olive branch to the Dems if they help fund -- not Mexico -- his wall. And then tomorrow he will be back to peddling Twitter hate.

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