Monday, March 12, 2018

Evangelists' deal with the Devil

Praying at the altar of Trump
Reporter to Mahatma Gandhi:

What do you think about Western civilization?


I think it would be a good idea.

Implicit in his remarks, of course, is that having great material wealth, advanced technology, powerful militaries and over-sized world influence does not automatically translate into being a civilized people.

Don't confuse being powerful with being civilized.

European/Western culture has reached impressive and glorious heights in science, medicine, arts, literature and technology -- this can not be denied. Gandhi's retort was not intended to diminish those achievements.

However, Gandhi astutely understood Europe's often brutal -- and inhumane -- history as well. This history is replete with genocide, savage wars, Draconian colonization, slavery and oppression. This legacy does not remotely resemble an evolved society.

Don't confuse Evangelism with Christianity.

Likewise, if asked: What do I think about Christian Evangelists?

My Gandhian response would be -- I think it would be a good idea for Evangelists to become more acquainted with the teachings of Jesus Christ. It would be an enormous step forward if they applied Christ's teaching to their humanity.

Christ's ministry was about embracing, helping and healing the poor, down-trodden, diseased and the marginalized. As stated in the Book of Matthew.

Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.

The Evangelist movement -- the antithesis of Christian theology -- promotes the right wing agenda: huge tax cuts for the extreme wealthy; mass deportation of immigrants, support for repealing health care, pistol packing teachers, rejection of climate change science and embracing alt-right ideology.

The Rotten and Corrupt Fruit from Trump's Tree.

 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. source

This rotten and corrupt Trumpian fruit they willfully consume has manifested hate, division, fear, racism, misogyny and contempt for the poor. The cult of Trump is a perversion of the gospel of Jesus.

Trump has: 

talked about grabbing women by their private part; called NFL players kneeling for justice SOB's; called Mexicans rapist and criminals; declared that there were good nazis and KKK members; supported a candidate accused of sexually molesting minors; stood by a domestic abuser on his staff; been accused of sexual predator behavior by 19 women; allegedly conducted adultery with many women (including a porn star) and the Evangelists grant him a mulligan and turn the other cheek.

When the devil tempted Christ with worldly power, prestige and wealth, Jesus rebuked his bribes. In stark contrast: Evangelist church leaders and pastors -- looking over the worldly kingdoms and their splendor -- acquiesced to the snake oil charm and promises of Trump.

And this is the seed they sow...

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