Tuesday, July 26, 2022

White Christian Nationalist Movement.

(CNN)Three men, eyes closed and heads bowed, pray before a rough-hewn wooden cross. Another man wraps his arms around a massive Bible pressed against his chest like a shield. All throughout the crowd, people wave "Jesus Saves" banners and pump their fists toward the sky.

At first glance, these snapshots look like scenes from an outdoor church rally. But this event wasn't a revival; it was what some call a Christian revolt. These were photos of people who stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, during an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.
The insurrection marked the first time many Americans realized the US is facing a burgeoning White Christian nationalist movement. This movement uses Christian language to cloak sexism and hostility to Black people and non-White immigrants in its quest to create a White Christian America.
A report from a team of clergy, scholars and advocates — sponsored by two groups that advocate for the separation of church and state — concluded that this ideology was used to "bolster, justify and intensify" the attack on the US Capitol. read more

My Two Cents

The Insurrection
The above article – while disturbing - is not as revelatory as one may think.
In fact, this “movement” is as American as apple pie. Word.  Martin Luther King famously described 11 am Sunday as the most segregated hour…in Christian America.

And from the get-go, the white Christian nationalist movement has always served as the foundation for white supremacy. Slavery was justified as a biblical mandate – the curse on Ham’s son Canaan. The genocide of Native Americans and theft of their land was Manifest Destiny. 

In plain terms, the will of God.

Furthermore, the movement’s hysterical reaction to Critical Race Theory signals they want to advocate for and promote white superiority with no accountability.

They don't want us to be awakened/aware of what they have done; are doing; and will do. Why? Once again: This is the will of God, thus their birthright.

The moral compass for this movement has always steered to white domination while asserting their position as the upper caste.

The challenge for We the People in this environment is to continue to establish a more perfect union. We have to vote vote vote & lobby lobby lobby – on all levels of government. Our inactivity only hastens our defeat to tyranny.   And the past will be prologue.

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