Wednesday, December 29, 2010

FOX NEWS: Execute Mike Vick!

The ubiquitous and conservative pundit, Tucker Carlson, filling in for Sean Hannity on Fox News, weighed in on Mike Vick's quest for redemption after paying a huge debt for his self-confessed morality lapse, stated that not only shouldn't Vick be forgiven, he should be executed:

I’m Christian. I’ve made mistakes. I believe fervently in second chances. Michael Vick killed dogs in a heartless and cruel way. I think, firstly, he should have been executed for that. The idea the president of the United States would be getting behind someone who murdered dogs is beyond the pale.

Tucker took umbrage that President Obama called the Philadelphia Eagles owner to praise his act of giving Vick a second chance.

This represents an appalling low for the over-the-top FOX News and it epitomizes the situational morality they promote. On the one hand, they are staunch supporters of the NRA and recreational hunting (think Sarah Palin hunting caribou for fun or Dick Cheney shooting his friend while quail hunting); while on the other hand, they discover their righteous indignation over Vick efforts to rehabilitate himself after losing over 20 million dollars and serving over two years in prison for his cruel crimes.

Not to even mention, their silence on Cheney cooking the books, in order to led us to a preemptive and protracted war in Iraq. This war resulted in no WMD, terrorist relocating to Iraq, an embolden Iran, thousands and thousands of causalities and lost lives. Yet the head on the platter demanded by FOX is Vick's. Like I said, situational morality...

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