Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bush To Obama: Thanks But No Ebony and Ivory Show

A spokesman for George W. Bush says the former president has declined an invitation from President Barack Obama to attend an observance at New York’s ground zero.

Obama plans to visit the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers Thursday in the aftermath of a Navy SEALs raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The al-Qaida attack, which killed about 3,000 people, occurred in the early months of Bush’s presidency in 2001.

Just think about the symbolic and historic gesture this could have been. Two US presidents, one black - one white, one a Democrat - one a Republican, both coming together, transcending the hyper-partisanship of our era,
Ebony And Ivory Live Together In Perfect Harmony Side By Side On My Piano Keyboard Oh Lord, Why Don't We?
in order to pay respect to fellow Americans that lost there lives in the worse attack on USA soil in history.

But once again, the hard-core right, never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity of rising above their child like, insular and hate filled rancor.

Bush's reason:

...spokesman, David Sherzer, says the former president appreciated the offer to attend but has chosen to remain out of the spotlight during his post-presidency.

I recall, Bush requested the services of his father and Bill Clinton, to come into the spotlight to help the 2004 Asian tsunami victims. Bush I and Clinton, rightfully so, accepted the call to duty without equivocation.

My gut tells me, Mr. Bush's reluctance stems from:

1. Pride - President Obama's success brings attention to his failure to capture bin Laden.

2. Petty partisanship - His political bedfellows are locked in a campaign to not only discredit the president, they want to question the legitimacy of his presidency. I do not think Bush shares the views of Birthers, Tea Baggers and Sarah Paliners but his failure to use his mega-phone to refute these fringe kooks speaks volumes.

The recurring theme, proven over and over, the vanguards of the GOP right - who appeared to be calling the shots these days - hate unity. As purveyors of hate, they prosper or gain power in a divided country and President Obama represents change they do not believe in.


  1. thanx for the information.... much continued success

  2. Solid insights! take care.

  3. ebonytruthtellerMay 5, 2011 at 7:04 PM

    This is not a surprise , Bush cannot even through the vehicle of RIGHTIE SPIN avoid the REALITY that Bin Laden was finally BROUGHT TO JUSTICE on OBAMAS WATCH ! Notice how DECEP[TIVE the RIGHT has become, they want to give BUSH "CREDIT" for impacting the final resolution of the Bin Laden story ....wait a minute ...Dont they (the right) always DENY any IMPACT OF bush POLICIES ON THE ECOMONY ?..NO SHAME..

  4. Comment by ebonycapamericaMay 5, 2011 at 7:06 PM

    THE MOST "IMPORTANT "AGENDA" WE HAVE IS TO MAKE SURE OBAMA IS A ONE TERM PRESIDENT....So stated Mconnel , and Boehner after the mid-term elections ...we must keep REMINMDING ourselves that this AMBITION has not changed at all !....They really want to see him fail !!!!!!!!!!!!.

  5. Those republicans really have gone crazy over a President who can only serve two terms.
