"Donald Trump has been saying he will run for president as a Republican, which is surprising because I just assumed that he was running as a joke,"Seth Meyers
Donald, outside of folks in Palin Country, you are the joke and we are laughing at you.
BTW, it appears Obama is practically daring Trump to run. It's called chess not checkers!
Finally, Meldupree, on the Washington Post comment post board wrote:
President Obama publicly punked Trump at the Correspondent Dinner last night; tonight he announces the death of Osama bin Laden. A good weekend indeed, Mr. President!
And, Navymanbz, on Yahoo comment board wrote,
Geesh! Donal Trump and his silly birther thing. President Obama was working on something historic and you tried to side track his thoughts on something so silly. Shame of you!
Obama got Osama!
The real "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" fellow Americans!
It's just awesome. I love a good smack down. President made it very clear last night, He's The Commander & Chief. Don't you just love how the President's speech just happened to pre-empt Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice.
ReplyDeleteKudo's Mr. President. We got him.
The truth of the matter is some people still have doubts when it comes to Pres. OBAMA's birthplace, even when he went out of his way to prove that.
ReplyDeleteJohn King of CNN stated and I quote "A small slice of this pie are people who heard it so much on talk radio, and other places, they just believe it.
There good people who just have heard it too many times. Another slice of the pie are people who can't come to terms with the fact that we have a
African American President, they won't say that publicly because they know how shameful it would be to say that, so this is what there hiding behind."
I guess the fact is no matter what he said, or presented, people that don't care for our President will still continue to find ways to ridicule and discredit
him in anyway they can. It's this slice of the pie that is scary, it is these people that we should just ignore, and let them choose to live in there own world.
I must say the dinner party the other night was a joy to watch, The President covered all of his bases and it was quite humorous as well. I could see the agony in the
trumpsters face. Truly a aha moment. Game Over for you Mr. Trump. I think its quite clear and very obvious, Trump may know Real Estate, but our President
is on a different playing field, who knows and understands so much more. Particularly Politics, It's like putting a sparring partner in the ring with a heavyweight champ.
I guess a little more practice for 2012 won't hurt our President.
Our president had already showed his US birth Certificate to;
ReplyDelete1. Get a US Passport; http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2008/03/20/obamas_passport_files_hacked/
2. Become a US Senator;
I feel sorry for all the little Birthers, It’s not their fault; it’s your families’ fault that taught you that you were better than other people based on race, creed ethnicity, color, nationality or sex, in short they engrained in you their hate (what a legacy).
But you know at some point you need to grow up and act like an adult and think for yourself and distinguish what is true and what is BS.
But there is where the little Birthers find yourself because we all know it was never about a birth certificate or grades, because we all know you want to go around wearing white sheets, burn crosses and hang people who are not like you, we know that your growth is stunted in your hate, and hate is what this is all about, you will never win anymore, and I feel sorry for all of you.
I can only imagine when our President is re-elected what you phonies will lie about next. Oh, and just know, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it’s a duck, the little Birthers are a bunch of racists!