Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dee Dee Patt: The Highs & Lows of my Journey

Today’s prayer goes out to all the members of the military services  their families.  To all those who gave their life protecting our country and our cities we thank you and keep your love ones in our prayer.

My Journey Valley
As my one year journey continues I am faced with obstacles that can knock you down for the count.  It is during this time I realize the importance of a strong support system.  For without them our journey can see long and lonely and  yes, at times helpless.  But I am thankful to my support system that reaches out to me when I have fallen and reminding me that I am not alone.  

Starting with my Brother who can see my achievements long before I can.  I owe so much to his encouraging words and forcing me to look inwards and seeing what he sees - that not only can I get back up, but I can dust myself off and continue stronger than ever.  I also have two fabulous sisters that I love to no end.  They have always had my back, and every other part of me. I can always count on them.
The next part of my network is my extended family, my family away from home.  One thing I learned is that they love me like I was on their own.  I have a core group of girlfriends that if I want to thank from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for extending a hand (and shoulders) for me to hold and lean on.  One day I will repay all the love and kindness they have shown me. 
I bring up the support system because although you may be of the mind set that you can do it all alone, a support system can give you the encouragement you need at the times you are feeling the lowest of lows:  Before you smoke that cigarette, before you have that drink, before you gamble that dollar and so on and so on.  

Sharing your plan with at least one other person can help you along the road to getting your life back together.  This journey can mean many different things to many different people.  Just decide what you want to turn around in your life - your health, your finances, your addictions, or your well being.
I am in a rough time right now and I think I am at the lowest point since I began my Journey, but two small things pointed me to the light of my path.  One is a old high school classmate who simply sent a note checking on me because she had not heard from me in awhile. I know that seems small to you, but to me these words let me know  that I matter and my journey matters.  I thanked her personally and she probably has no idea how just reaching out to me has lifted me up - but it has.
My issues right now are health issues that I have been afraid of going to the doctor .  I am so afraid that the news may not be good but I am now in so much pain that I can’t ignore it anymore. So first thing tomorrow I am calling the doctor. I will keep you all posted.
Oh, in case your are wondering the main part of my support system are my parents.  My parents have always loved us (my two sisters and my brother) unconditionally.  When I felt like the world was against me, my mother and father have always been standing right along  side of me with support. 
My final prayer for you today is a prayer for your network; and if you feel that you have no network look again or build one.  Invite just one to take the Journey with you.
God Bless you, Dee Dee Patt

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