Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Words of Inspiration by Kenneth Wayne Sandy

Editor's note: I would like to welcome the newest blogger, Kenneth Wayne Sandy. His message is consistent with the theme and mission of HGP: Self-empowerment through education, information and introspection. 
In his words:

"Sometimes the brightest light comes from the darkest places”.
As this is my first attempt to touch an audience that is willing to listen, join in and participate; I am choosing to generalize for we all face different struggles. To be clear, the specifics - at the end of the day are truly irrelevant -  share a commonality, no matter what is your struggle. 
Therefore, if you change your view and outlook, the brightest light can shine through in the darkest place and your break-down can TRULY be your break through.  
From one Ragamuffin to the next, I feel compelled by a much higher authority to blog on how our collective experiences - the highs and lows - can help us better our environments.  
Through honesty and “real” conversation, I am amazed of the amount of emotion that comes to the surface as I look back over my life.  If you are like me, the struggle with the need to be “perfect” in order to please someone or something has ruled me (and maybe you) for an indefinite period.  
In reflection, by opting to see the light - that is always present - in my darkest times (and there have been many), I find that I can begin to inherit acceptance, validation, worthiness and “salvation” and not in spite of my imperfections, but because of them. 
Putting things in perspective that have tugged at me since the beginning of my journey has proven to be instrumental in seeking clarity and the ability to navigate very muddy, shark infested waters.  If you have a less than desirable past, I understand your journey all too well.  
Try this, put a sticky note on your mirror that states it's all about grace.
I remind myself of this every day… is not about what I/you do, it is about our higher power, the larger force, and our purpose in the universe.  
I hear it in my head and one day I know I will believe it in my heart.  We all are to reach out and touch one another to contribute to change.  Let’s do that for one another.  As for me, I no longer have debts, I am just working through this maze one day at a time. I am looking forward to you joining me on the journey.  
In parting words, just remember: If you change the way you look at things, you change the things you look at.
Be encouraged.  Kenneth Wayne Sandy 

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